by Peter Ford We’re happy to present this commentary by Peter Ford, the former U.K. ambassador to Syria. Ford was one of 15 panelists, representing a broad range of views, …
Just World Ed: Our record in 2020, plans for 2021
Report by Helena Cobban, Executive President This year’s multiple crises spurred Just World Educational to develop innovative forms of programing in support of our knowledge-expanding mission. This report shares my …
JVP’s Alice Rothchild, MD, tracking Covid in Palestine
Infographic above from UN-OCHA’s report on Covid-19 in the occupied Palestinian Territories. Available here. Alice Rothchild, MD, who is both a JWE board member and a member of the steering …
New JWE video: “How the West Stole Democracy from the Arabs”
How on earth did Britain and France “persuade” the world’s other governments to award them colonial-style “mandates” over a large chunk of the Arab world in the immediate aftermath of …
Commonsense on Syria series continues challenging conversations
Just World Educational’s Commonsense on Syria project continues to spark fascinating discussions and engaged responses from a growing group of attendees and participants.
“Commonsense on Syria” series opens with a strong start
Just World Educational’s Commonsense on Syria project is off to a powerful start, with the first online Zoom webinar taking place on March 25, followed by the second on March 28.
JWE’s webinar series on Syria, March 25 – April 25
(This information has been updated as of April 24, 2020, at Noon ET.) Between March 25 and April 22, 2020 we presented a web-based educational program, “Commonsense on Syria.” This …
Two big powers arm-wrestle in Syria. Neither one is the United States.
It is just as well that, when he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin March 5, Turkey’s President Rejep Tayyip Erdogan did not look up to his right. If he had, he would have seen towering over him a lofty statue of Russia’s Catherine the Great, who in the 18th century sheared Erdogan’s Ottoman forebears of much of their European territory and many of their rights in the shared Black Sea.
Foreign jihadis playing a big role in Syria’s Idlib
The thousands of highly motivated foreign fighters at all ranks of the fighting forces that control Syria’s Idlib enclave pose a particular challenge to policymakers worldwide trying to deal with the bitter fighting in the enclave and the humanitarian crisis that has resulted from it.
Cobban writes more on Syria, its dilemmas & its (mis)representation
Our President, Helena Cobban, has been writing a lot about Syria recently– primarily at her personal “Just World News” blog, though many of her articles have been crossposted in full …