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Welcome to the website of Just World Educational, a feisty nonprofit providing educational resources that critically examine the United States’ role in the world, focusing on issues of war, peace, and justice.

We have two major projects underway that deal centrally with the ongoing crisis in Gaza:

** In early May 2024, we launched an online project "Understanding Hamas and Why It Matters." The first phase of this project consisted of five webinars that our Board Member Rami G. Khoury and JWE's president, Helena Cobban co-hosted weekly throughout May, involving a broad array of experts on this little understood and viciously maligned movement..

You can now find the multimedia records of these conversations on this dedicated Online Learning Hub. In the next phase of the project we'll be reorganizing, augmenting, and finding the best ways to disseminate the rich collection of materials we have produced and compiled on all aspects of the topic.

To learn more about this project, visit our Learning Hub-- and be sure to tell your friends and networks about it, as well!

** In November 2023, we launched a new podcast series, the "PalCast", which is hosted by Dr. Yousef Aljamal and co-hosted by JWE Pres. Helena Cobban.

The PalCast is now releasing new episodes weekly and is available on Apple, Spotify, and other major platforms. Learn more about it here.

** Throughout this crisis, our president, Helena Cobban, has posted numerous new essays on her writing platform, Globalities, in which she's been exploring various diplomatic and international-law dimensions of the crisis in a very timely fashion.

Globalities, which explores the many rapid shifts the global balance is currently undergoing, is a project of Just World Educational.

Back in 2022, we undertook four big projects. The most significant of these was a groundbreaking series of webinars that we presented on the Ukraine crisis, during March 2022.

In these webinars, co-hosts Richard Falk and Helena Cobban explored many aspects of the crisis with 17 other great scholars and activists. We then built the records of those convos into a 32-page report titled "Ukraine: Stop the Carnage, Build the Peace", as well as a multimedia Online Learning Hub.

You can learn about the Learning Hub and the Report, and download a PDF of the Report (or order a pre-printed copy from Amazon) at this page on our website.

In mid-year, 2022, we followed up with a project on "The Urgency of Banning Nukes", designed to raise awareness of the rising risks of nuclear conflagration and the great opportunities the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons gives us to end this madness.

The multimedia records of this project were also built into an Online Learning Hub here on our website.

During 2022, we also presented two distinctive projects on aspects of the ever-festering Palestine Question.

Early in the year, we ran a weekly podcast series "The World From Palestine." In it, co-hosts Helena Cobban and Yousef Aljamal explored the intersections between Palestine’s liberation struggle and other anti-imperialist struggles worldwide. You can catch all the episodes and transcripts of this series, here.

At the end of 2022, we presented some programs with the anti-Zionist author Miko Peled, in which he reflected on lessons he'd learned in the decade since the launch of his landmark memoir The General's Son.


** In Fall 2021, we ran a small, focused project on Afghanistan, focusing on the humanitarian crisis faced by the country's 39 million people. Read more about it here.

** Between March 2020 and mid-2021, we presented five series of linked, thematic webinars, totaling over two dozen groundbreaking sessions. The videos of all these series-- which covered the topics of Syria, the "World after Covid", the US-China balance, food sovereignty issues in Gaza, Palestine, and Women in South Africa's Struggle against Apartheid-- have been archived onto rich multimedia Resource Pages that are now freely available to the learning public via the Resources tab on this website.


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Some recent fun pics!

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