Just World Educational is pleased to announce the launch, next Wednesday (June 10) at 1 pm ET, of our latest online-learning project, a series of weekly livestreamed conversations on global …
New JWE video: “How the West Stole Democracy from the Arabs”
How on earth did Britain and France “persuade” the world’s other governments to award them colonial-style “mandates” over a large chunk of the Arab world in the immediate aftermath of …
Commonsense on Syria series continues challenging conversations
Just World Educational’s Commonsense on Syria project continues to spark fascinating discussions and engaged responses from a growing group of attendees and participants.
“Commonsense on Syria” series opens with a strong start
Just World Educational’s Commonsense on Syria project is off to a powerful start, with the first online Zoom webinar taking place on March 25, followed by the second on March 28.
JWE’s webinar series on Syria, March 25 – April 25
(This information has been updated as of April 24, 2020, at Noon ET.) Between March 25 and April 22, 2020 we presented a web-based educational program, “Commonsense on Syria.” This …
Bay Area’s Rick Sterling and Chuck Scurich join JWE board
Just World Educational is delighted to announce that two fine peace-and-justice activists from the San Francisco Bay Area, Chuck Scurich and Rick Sterling, have joined our board. They bring to …
Cobban, Falk react to Trump’s “Deal”
On January 28, Pres. Trump rolled out his long-threatened “Deal of the Century” on the Palestine Question– in a White House event alongside Israeli POM Netanyahu and before a glittering …
As U.S. Congress votes on war powers, Falk & Cobban join the discussion
This afternoon, the U.S. House of Representatives is due to vote on a resolution (PDF text here) that, in the wake of the United States’ killing of Iranian General Qasem …
Yousef Aljamal completes tour of mainland USA
At the end of October, our star speaker from Gaza, Palestine, Yousef Aljamal, wrapped up his hectic speaking tour of the mainland USA. Now, he is Hawai’i– where he also …
Yousef Aljamal to speak on Gaza, detention of Palestinian kids, in USA, October
Just World Ed is delighted that October 13-29 we will be hosting Palestinian rights activist Yousef Aljamal on a speaking tour that will take him to the Greater NYC area, …