Our new project: “Palestinian Milestones 2017” Just World Admin October 21, 2016Blog, Human rights, International law, Palestine
Photographer of “Lens on Syria”: Negotiated peace needed, to save remaining heritage Just World Admin October 17, 2016Antiwar, Blog, Syria
Richard Falk on the Geopolitics of Shimon Peres’ Legacy Just World Admin October 10, 2016Blog, Israel, Palestine
Hamas, the HLF, Terror? A Concoted Connection Just World Admin October 2, 2016Blog, HLF, Palestine, U.S. policy
D. Demeter shares photos, stories, from pre-war Syria at George Washington U. Just World Admin September 25, 2016Blog, Peace resources, Syria
Abdication of their role by U.S. judges in Holy Land Five case Just World Admin September 21, 2016Blog, HLF, International law, Palestine, U.S. policy
Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Benghazi Mis-step Helena Cobban September 17, 2016Antiwar, Blog, Libya, U.S. policy
Peace activist Judy Bello: “U.S. should get out of Syria war completely” Just World Admin September 13, 2016Antiwar, Blog, Syria, U.S. policy
The Criminalizing of Charity for Palestinians: The Case of the Holy Land Five Just World Admin September 12, 2016Blog, HLF, International law, Palestine, U.S. policy
Yemen Peace Project: Washington must end support for Saudi-led war in Yemen Just World Admin September 5, 2016Antiwar, Blog, U.S. policy, Yemen