Celebrated, Ramallah-based cartoonist Mohammad Sabaaneh will bring his powerful wit and witness back to the United States this November: His speaking tour “Picture This! Life and Art in Palestine” is …
Just World Ed welcomes Joe Catron as our Director of Outreach
Just World Educational is thrilled to welcome Joe Catron, who has agreed to come on board as our part-time Director of Outreach based in New York City. Some of you …
Cartoonist Sabaaneh lights up Scotland, England, adds Canada to N. America tour!
(Update early Sept. : Mohammad cannot do the planned gigs in Canada as the Canadian government officials informed him he needed a longer lead-time to get his visa than we …
Gaza & other Palestinian crises need political action, not just “Bandaids”
For the past eleven years of the Israeli siege of Gaza– or actually, for the past 70 years of the Palestinian refugee crisis in Gaza and elsewhere– numerous well-meaning people …
Cartoonist Sabaaneh intensifies his international activities
The ace, Ramallah-based Palestinian cartoonist Mohammad Sabaaneh has stepped up his international activities in recent months, continuing his campaign to raise worldwide awareness of the plight of the Palestinians and …
Internat’l psychoanalysts’ group tries to squelch discussion of Palestinian mental health
In a breathtakingly Kafkaesque move, a body called the International Association for “Relational” Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy has been working hard to muzzle discussion of the much-stressed mental-health situation of the …
Pressure mounts to investigate Israel’s killings of Palestinian civilians in Gaza
On June 1, Israeli snipers deployed along Israel’s 1949 Armistice Line with the Gaza Strip shot dead 21-year-old Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar, who like her colleagues was wearing a vest …
Gaza/Palestine: Hannah Arendt, statelessness and the “right to have rights”
i. The Great Return March and the Right of Return The unarmed civilian mass protests that have rocked Gaza since March 30– and have been met with horrific levels of …
Amos Gvirtz: “Gaza Offers Us the Choice of Life”
Just World Ed is pleased to publish the following essay penned recently by veteran Israeli peace and human-rights activist Amos Gvirtz. We believe it contains many important points– especially his …
Spotlighting the conviction of Palestinian-American charity leaders
Miko Peled concludes his Just World Educational-organized speaking tour later this week (Thurs., 1 PM) at The Jerusalem Fund & Palestine Center in Washington D.C. The tour stretched from Brooklyn …