D. Demeter shares photos, stories, from pre-war Syria at George Washington U. Just World Admin September 25, 2016Blog, Peace resources, Syria
Peace activist Judy Bello: “U.S. should get out of Syria war completely” Just World Admin September 13, 2016Antiwar, Blog, Syria, U.S. policy
Ending the suffering in Syria? Helena Cobban August 28, 2016Antiwar, Blog, International law, Syria, U.S. policy
A young Iraqi refugee– making a difference! Helena Cobban August 13, 2016Blog, Iraq, Podcasts, Refugees, Syria
Chas Freeman notes absence of international law framework for U.S. military actions in Syria Helena Cobban June 22, 2016Blog, International law, R2P, Syria
Kubasak and Huck inspire, inform at launch of their book on Damascus! Helena Cobban June 8, 2016Blog, Refugees, Syria