This week, in Episode 2 of our “Story/Backstory” project, JWE President Helena Cobban explored Washington’s 45-year-long monopolization of all peacemaking between Israel and its Arab neighbors (with a special focus …
The double standard when discussing Israeli racism
by Alice Rothchild We’re pleased to publish this blog post by Alice Rothchild, a JWE board member who’s a writer, activist, and retired OB/GYN. This essay by Dr. Rothchild was …
The two teenage demonstrators killed by Israel on February 8
by Wafa Aludaini* Last Friday, February 8, Israeli snipers killed Hasan Shalabi, 14, and Hamza Ishtaiwi, 17, as they took part in the “Great March of Return”, a mass nonviolent …
The laughter of their children
by Miko Peled We’re pleased to publish this report by the Israeli-American peace activist Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine and Injustice: The …
Jewish-Israeli activist Jeff Halper brings “One-State” discussion to NYC
Veteran Jewish-Israeli activist Jeff Halper brought his current US speaking tour to New York City on February 5, when he discussed the “One Democratic State” campaign with which he’s been …
Great Return March calls for “universal day of solidarity” on March 30
As Gaza’s Great March of Return continued for the 45th consecutive Friday, its leaders called for supporters around the world to take action on Saturday, March 30, Palestinian Land Day …
Laila El-Haddad’s podcast on Cast Lead, current Palestinian challenges– and more!
Gaza-Palestinian writer and activist Laila El-Haddad and Just World Educational President Helena Cobban had a spirited discussion of Israel’s 2008-09 “Cast Lead” assault on Gaza, and its legacies, in JWE’s …
Watch Yousef Aljamal speak on Israel’s “Operation Cast Lead”
In one of the highlights of JWE’s #CastLeadPlus10 educational campaign, our good friend Yousef Aljamal joined us on Saturday for a Facebook Live chat about Israel’s military operation against the …
Gaza’s Yousef Aljamal in FB Live discussion January 12, on legacies of Cast Lead
Gaza-Palestinian social activist Yousef Aljamal will be the featured resource person in a Facebook “Live” discussion that Just World Ed will be hosting on Saturday, January 12, starting at 12 …
Falk recalls Israel’s “cruelty and excessive violence” during Operation Cast Lead
In the first episode of our special mini-series of podcasts on Israel’s “Operation Cast Lead” assault Gaza ten years ago, the distinguished international jurist Richard Falk discussed the “cruelty and …