Dr. Alice Rothchild: A Voice for Peace and Justice

Mustapha MuhammedBlog, JWE news

In a world ablaze with conflict, there are those who strive to make a difference. One such individual is Dr. Alice Rothchild, a board member of Just World Educational (JWE) and a tireless advocate for peace and justice.

Recently, Dr. Rothchild returned from an impactful week in Atlanta, Georgia, where she delivered a stirring sermon at Congregation Bet Haverim. For those with limited time, this sermon is a must-listen, providing a glimpse into her dedication and passion for her work, available here.

On March 19, 2024, Dr. Rothchild participated in a Q&A session titled “Ceasefire & Beyond: What’s Happening in Palestine/Israel and Its Impact” organized by the Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane, available here. She shared the platform with Sabrene Odeh, discussing the ongoing conflict and its far-reaching implications.

Following this, on March 20, she appeared on the podcast “Veterans of Culture Wars,” hosted by Dave Lester and Zach Malm, further expanding on her insights into the conflict. You can listen to it here.

On March 24, the JVP Health Advisory Council held a webinar addressing the health crisis in Gaza. Dr. Rothchild moderated the discussion, which featured Dr. Thaer Ahmad and Dr. John Kahler, both of whom had recently returned from working in Gaza. The doctors shared their experiences and the challenges they faced, shedding light on the dire situation in the region. You can access the webinar here.

Dr. Rothchild’s commitment to the cause is further evidenced by her contribution to a statement published in the Journal of Public Health and Emergency on March 26. The statement, titled “On the duty to protect the people of Gaza: how the collapse of the hospital health care system has reinforced genocidal intent,” was co-authored by several esteemed colleagues.

On March 28, Dr. Rothchild was featured in “Americans Who Tell The Truth,” a project by Robert Shetterly that uses art to highlight the struggle for justice. Her portrait is included in the collection, and she also participated in a video project reaching out to youth that is available here.

On April 2, she delved into “The Human Cost of Conflict: A Deep Dive into Gaza’s Health and Human Rights Crisis” with the Peace Economy Project.

Finally, on April 12, Dr. Rothchild was invited to reflect on Israel/Palestine during a Friday night sermon at Atlanta, Georgia’s Congregation Bet Haverim, a Reconstructionist synagogue.

Dr. Alice Rothchild’s tireless efforts to bring attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and advocate for peace and justice are truly commendable. Her work serves as a beacon of hope in a world that desperately needs it.