On April 21, JWE President Helena Cobban took part in an 80-minute conversation at Westmoreland Church (UCC), in Bethesda MD, at the invitation of the church’s Middle East Committee, which has long pursued a strong commitment to Palestinian rights.
The event took the form of a conversation conducted, for the first 35 minutes, by longtime Middle East Committee member Robert Mertz, as shown above. In the second half of the program, several attendees at the gathering asked questions, both in-person from the church parlor, and online via the event’s well-populated Zoom feed.
With the help of Mr. Leon Goodson and the encouragement of the Middle East Committee, we are pleased to make available the audio of the whole conversation, which you can listen to HERE.
And here is a TRANSCRIPT of the main part of the presentation, that still needs a little further editing.
During the conversation, which was held both “live” with an engaged audience in the church parlor, and also by Zoom, Mr. Goodson shared some slides prepared by Ms. Cobban, which we are happy to (re-)share here: