(This information has been updated as of April 24, 2020, at Noon ET.)
Between March 25 and April 22, 2020 we presented a web-based educational program, “Commonsense on Syria.” This series of nine webinar sessions aimed to expand the discourse on Syria here in the United States (and elsewhere) by presenting interactive, web-based panel discussions among people with real expertise on Syria. We had originally planned a tenth session for April 25, on “Pathways to ending the conflict in Syria”, but later decided to postpone that part of the project.
Our panelists represented a range of views, including views that have been un- or under-represented in Western corporate media over the past decade. It is also our hope that several of our sessions can model for viewers how people with widely differing views on Syria can discuss the issue calmly and in a spirit of collegiality, curiosity, and a joint pursuit of evidence-based analysis.
Each of the webinars was recorded as it was presented, and the recordings are typically made available one day later. The archived versions of all the videos to date, and other supplementary materials, can be found at this resource page.