The U.S.-China Relationship
A project exploring the rapid shifts in the United States' role in the world since the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic
Phase 2 of our World After Covid project
The U.S.-China Relationship
Phase 2 of Just World Educational's “World After Covid” project focuses on the rapidly shifting balance between the United States and China.
Materials from the earlier phase of the "World After Covid" project can be viewed here. All the video, audio, text, and related materials from the US-China programing that we produced in the second half of 2020 can be accessed here.
On October 17, Just World Ed released the first session of the groundbreaking “US-China public dialogue” that it has been holding in collaboration with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University in Beijing.
This dialogue session featured a conversation that Just World Ed President Helena Cobban held with these two specialists:
- From Beijing, Ambassador He Yafei, a Senior Fellow with the Chongyang Institute who has held many high-ranking diplomatic posts including as Counsellor of the Chinese Permanent Mission to the United Nations, and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- From Washington DC, we had Dr. Michael Swaine, who recently became the first Director of the East Asia Program at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. Dr. Swaine is co-director of a multi-year crisis prevention project with Chinese partners, and he also advises the U.S. government on Asian security issues.
On October 31, Just World Ed released the second session of its "US-China public dialogue," in collaboration with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies.
Just World Ed President Helena Cobban discussed economics, technology and the US-China relationship with two experts:
From Beijing, Mr. He Weiwen, a Senior Fellow with the Chongyang Institute and Vice Chairman of the Global Alliance of SMEs.
From here in Washington DC, Dr. Yukon Huang, a senior fellow with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Dr. Huang was formerly the World Bank’s country director for China and, before that, director for Russia.
The conversations in this Public Dialogue are conducted in English and will be released in the US, Chinese, and global media markets in video, audio, and text formats, with subtitles as necessary for each market.
This dialogue project is also supported by the international No Cold War coalition, which will bring it broad global dissemination of our breakthrough conversations.
In the initial planning for this project, the first “dialogue” session was intended to be a wide-ranging conversation on the past 50 years of US-China relations between veteran U.S. diplomatist Amb. Chas W Freeman, Jr and the Chongyang Institute’s Executive Dean Dr. Wang Wen. However, due to Amb. Freeman’s ill-health that session had to be postponed. We will inform you when it is possible to set a new date for it.
Prior to conducting the Public Dialogue sessions, Ms. Cobban had held two public conversations with US-based specialists on the US-China relationship, both of which are made available lower on this page. They are:
- a broad-ranging conversation she held in early October with American maritime-strategy scholar Dr. Lyle Goldstein. Scroll on down to see the video of that conversation. (Or, you can listen to the audio, here.)
- a conversation she had held back in July with Amb. Freeman.
These materials are published here under a Creative Commons license, which means you are free to re-use any of them for non-commercial purposes, provided you give due attribution to Just World Educational and the individual speakers. If you want to use any of these materials for commercial purposes, please contact to ask about terms.
Videos from the U.S.-China Relationship series
Session Resources
The U.S.-China Relationship with Dr. Yukon Huang and Mr. He Weiwen
Released October 31, 2020
JWE President Helena Cobban in conversation with Dr. Yukon Huang and Mr. He Weiwen.
Listen to/download the audio file: Dr. Yukon Huang, Mr. He Weiwen and Helena Cobban, released October 31, 2020
Read the transcript: Dr. Yukon Huang, Mr. He Weiwen and Helena Cobban, released October 31, 2020
The Chinese translation of this session's transcript is available here.
Session Resources
The U.S.-China Relationship with Dr. Michael Swaine and Amb. He Yafei
Released October 17, 2020
JWE President Helena Cobban in conversation with Dr. Michael Swaine and Amb. He Yafei
Listen to/download the audio file: Dr. Michael Swaine, Amb. He Yafei and Helena Cobban, October 17, 2020
Read the transcript: Dr. Michael Swaine, Amb. He Yafei and Helena Cobban, October 17, 2020
The Chinese translation of this session's transcript is available here.
Excerpt Videos
Session Resources
The U.S.-China Relationship with Dr. Lyle Goldstein
Released October 10, 2020
JWE President Helena Cobban in conversation with Dr. Lyle Goldstein, research professor in the China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) at the Naval War College and the founding director of CMSI.
Listen to/download the audio file: Dr. Lyle Goldstein and Helena Cobban, released October 10, 2020
Read the transcript: Dr. Lyle Goldstein and Helena Cobban, released October 10, 2020
"The World After Covid" with Amb. Chas W. Freeman, Jr.
Session 5 of the original project, recorded on July 8, 2020
JWE President Helena Cobban in conversation with Amb. Chas W. Freeman, Jr. A veteran American diplomat, Freeman’s career highlights included being the interpreter for Pres. Nixon during his breakthrough 1972 visit to China; negotiating (in Spanish) with Pres. Fidel Castro over the parallel Cuban and South African withdrawals from Angola; serving as U.S. Ambassador to Riyadh during Operation Desert Storm; and being nixed from consideration as Pres. Obama’s Director of National Intelligence on account of his support for Palestinian rights. Freeman’s books include Interesting Times: China, America, and the Shifting Balance of Prestige (Just World Books, 2012.)
Read the transcript: Amb. Chas W. Freeman, Jr. and Helena Cobban, July 8, 2020
Session Resources
Audio Files
Listen to edited, enhanced audio files of each session of The U.S.-China Relationship, the second phase of the JWE World After COVID project, below:
Participants in The U.S.-China Relationship

Helena Cobban

Amb. Chas Freeman, Jr.

Dr. Lyle Goldstein

Amb. He Yafei

Dr. Michael D. Swaine

Mr. He Weiwen

Dr. Yukon Huang
Overall Resources
Read the full transcripts of each session of "The U.S.-China Relationship," below:
- Dr. Lyle Goldstein and Helena Cobban, October 10, 2020
- Dr. Michael Swaine, Amb. He Yafei and Helena Cobban, October 17, 2020
- Dr. Michael Swaine, Amb. He Yafei and Helena Cobban, October 17, 2020 (Chinese Translation)
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