We are pleased to launch our collection of educational videos by presenting two collections of videos here. The first is a collection of videos of, from, and about our friends at Just World Books. The second (which still needs more editing) is the amazing video archive from the “Penn BDS” conference, held in February 2012.
Scroll on down…
In February 2012, more than thirty distinguished speakers addressed a large conference on the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS), held at the University of Pennsylvania. Conference organizers also arranged for videotaped messages to be delivered to the conferees from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Prof. Rashid Khalidi, and BDS Movement head Omar Barghouthi.
The content of the conference sessions, including the keynote addresses from Susan Abulhawa and Ali Abunimah, was informative and of lasting value. The pre-recorded video message from Tutu is still of high quality, as is the audio on the videotapes of the conference sessions, including keynotes, as well as (in some browsers) the audio of the messages from Khalidi and Barghouthi. The video aspect of many of those records, sadly, was either of poor quality in the first place, or subject to subsequent technical difficulties.
We’re investigating with the conference’s organizers the possibility of reissuing some of these recordings as audio-only podcasts. In the meantime, you can find a portal to all the videos connected with the conference, here.
Videos from Just World Books People
Click on these links to see collections of videos from these JWB people:
** Gaza Writes Back videos
** Miko Peled faves
** Laila El-Haddad & Maggie Schmitt videos
** David Swanson videos
… Or scroll down to see videos from Susan Abulhawa (2), Karin Aguilar-San Juan, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Helena Cobban, Chas W. Freeman, Jr., Hatim Kanaaneh, Gareth Porter, Alice Rothchild, Brant Rosen, Rami Zurayk, and Matt Zeller (2).
Black by Susan Abulhawa
“Black” A deeply moving poetry video from a collection titled My Voice Sought the Wind, by Susan Abulhawa.
November 30, 2013
4 minutes
WALA by Susan Abulhawa
Video rendering of the poem “Wala”, from Susan Abulhawa’s My Voice Sought the Wind. This video speaks to the thousands of Palestinians, whose lands and livelihoods have been stolen or destroyed by Israel; so they become a source of cheap labor that lines up before the sun, in long demeaning queues to work in Israel, where they are often exploited and mistreated.
August 31, 2013
4 minutes
MacTalks with Karin Aguilar-San Juan, author of The People Make the Peace.
Published on Jun 15, 2015
MacTalks asked one of their favorite Macalester College professors, Karin Aguilar-San Juan, to speak for 10 minutes on the topic “What’s it all about?” Her topic is change.
June 15, 2015
9 minutes
Nora Barrows-Friedman’s Interview on her book, “In Our Power”.
Bob Schaible interviews Nora Barrows-Friedman about her book In Our Power: U.S. Students Organize for Justice in Palestine.
April 13, 2015
28 minutes
Helena Cobban on Founding Just World Books
Just World Books founder and owner, Helena Cobban explains what motivated her to establish the company in the Spring of 2010 and what readers can expect from this innovative new publisher. Helena highlights the inaugural titles from Just World Books, including works by Ambassador Chas Freeman Jr., Gazan Journalist Laila El-Haddad, Security Analyst Joshua Foust and Iraqi Politics Expert Reidar Visser.
May 2, 2011
4 minutes
Ambassador Freeman on Israel Palestinians
VOA’s Carol Castiel talks with retired US defense official and diplomat, Ambassador Chas Freeman, who served in numerous senior positions from US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia to Director of Chinese Affairs at the State Department to Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, about a range of national security issues
August 19, 2014
7 minutes
Dr. Hatim Kanaaneh discusses his new Book: “Chief Complaint”
Dr. Hatim Kanaaneh spent his professional life as a medical doctor caring for the people of Galilee. In this video he discusses his new work of fiction: Chief Complaint, A Country Doctor’s Tales of Life in Galilee.
September 8, 2015
8 minutes
Gareth Porter: The push for war on Iran
Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis, The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare, speaks at the Conference at the National Press Club on “Is There an Iraq-Iran Continuum?”
August 10, 2015
28 minutes
Rabbi Brant Rosen
Rabbi Brant Rosens speaks about his book, Wrestling In The Daylight: A Rabbi’s Path to Palestinian Solidarity at University Friends Meeting, Seattle WA.
May 6, 2013
1 hours 28 minutes
Dr. Rami Zurayk on Food, Farming and Freedom
Dr. Rami Zurayk, author of “Food, Farming and Freedom: Sowing the Arab Spring” discusses the role of agriculture and and food on people’s daily lives in the Middle East, and the roots of the “Arab Spring”.
June 21, 2011
6 minutes
Dr. Alice Rothchild: Silencing voices that question Israeli actions
Dr. Alice Rothchild speaks at the Conference at The National Press Club about “Are Critical Voices Silenced?”
June 4, 2015
20 minutes
Alice Rothchild and a Just Peace in Palestine
Alice Rothchild discusses her work with Palestinians and Israelis and expresses optimism for better understanding and eventually a just peace with Dick Sentner on Talking Peace Together.
March 28, 2014
60 minutes
Matt Zeller: A Life-Changing Bond
Listen as Matt Zeller and Janis Shinwari describe how they came to form the strong bond that exists between them and discuss their shared mission here in the U.S.
June 10, 2014
3 minutes
US soldier and Afghan interpreter campaign for US visas on BBCNews.
Former US Army intelligence officer Matt Zeller fought for years to get a visa for the interpreter who saved his life in Afghanistan. Interview on the BBC News
April 7, 2014
3 minutes

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